Narrative Therapy with Spanish Speakers: Creative Bilingual Strategies for Individual, Family, and Group Sessions

Drs. Roberto Swazo & Noelany Pelc

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Narrative Therapy with Spanish Speakers provides counselors, social workers, and other mental health professionals with a variety of culturally responsive bilingual activities developed for use with clients of all ages. Each short chapter covers topics such as fear, acceptance, and trust, and employs short fictions, sayings, and quotes, all in both Spanish and English, that professionals can share directly with clients. Additional materials on the book’s website include audio resources for both counselor and client, and the book is replete with icons and guides to help counselors quickly find relevant material.

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About the Book image

Roberto Swazo, Ph.D.

University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Roberto Swazo, Ph.D., PSL, has been a professor and director of counseling at Roosevelt University, Florida Agricultural Mechanical University, and the University of Northern Iowa. He is a former Fulbright Scholar in Italy and licensed school counselor.

Noelany Pelc, Ph.D.

Marian University

Noelany Pelc, Ph.D., has been a director of online counseling programs and field clinical coordinator at Seton Hall University and is currently an assistant professor at Marian University. She is a licensed psychologist and educator.

  • Indianapolis, IN, USA

To access the companion resources, please submit your request using the contact form provided. You will be asked to provide proof of purchase. To contact the authors for trainings, speaking engagements, or interviews, please use the contact form provided.

The Bilingual Counselor's Guide to Spanish
Basic Vocabulary and Interventions for the Non-Spanish Speaker ($55.16)

Designed specifically with mental health professionals in mind, The Bilingual Counselor’s Guide to Spanish is perfect for counselors interested in expanding their client base and language skill set. Featuring terminology and cultural phrases specific to the mental health profession, this text offers an easy introduction to both the Spanish language and interfacing with Spanish-speaking clients in a counseling setting.

Sections of useful and practical vocabulary are followed by ¡Practique! sections, which enable to reader to put his or her developing skills to use. These sections are augmented by case studies in English and Spanish, as well as brief overviews of Latino history, customs, and social manners that will greatly enhance any counselor’s depth of interaction with Spanish-speaking clients. For counselors who want to communicate with the large and rapidly expanding population of Spanish speakers in the United States, or for those who are simply interested in developing or improving their Spanish-language skills, The Bilingual Counselor’s Guide to Spanish is the place to start.

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Fantasias e Ilusiones Desde el Exilio (2nd ed.) in Spanish ($9.99)

"Fantasías e ilusiones desde el exilio" lo transportará por viajes que se extienden por el Caribe, Centroamérica, Sudamérica, Norteamérica y se remonta a memorias de la antigua Europa mediterránea. Esta colección de cuentos provee diversos contextos geográficos que evocan imágenes que son harto conocidas en las Américas a raíz del mestizaje y criollismo. Muchas de las historias tienen como propósito el embarcarse en una búsqueda incesante del propósito y significado de la vida a través de los lentes de seres multiculturales y multiétnicos en contextos de represión y discriminación social. Los temas universales de la religión, espiritualidad, racismo y la búsqueda de respuestas existenciales son abordados magistralmente para obligar al lector a cuestionarse sus propios principios y valores de la vida.

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